Step 1

License key exists
You are installing PHPVibe at

Step 2: File permissions (chmod)

Cache folder (/home3/snubii/public_html/cache) is writeable
Log file (/home3/snubii/public_html/alog.txt) is writeable
Cache folder (/home3/snubii/public_html/cache) is writeable
Thumbs cache folder (/home3/snubii/public_html/cache/thumbs) is writeable
Full cache (/home3/snubii/public_html/cache/full) is writeable
Media storage folder (/home3/snubii/public_html/media) is writeable
Raw media storage folder (/home3/snubii/public_html/rawmedia) is writeable
Media thumbs storage folder (/home3/snubii/public_html/media/thumbs) is writeable
Common uploads folder (/home3/snubii/public_html/uploads) is writeable
PHP is ok! (your version is 7.4.33 )
Congratulations: No files permission issues found.
The tables already exist! Database was not installed to avoid overwrite.
You have 5 administrators so far
Extra Administrator creation
The admin account's name.
Your e-mail adress.
Type password
Re-type password.
Seems there is already an admin user in the database, so you are pretty much done.
Setup is done
Head to /moderator for the admin panel.
Thank you for choosing PHPVibe!